About Us

Airborne Paragliding & Travel Agency


Why Airborne?

Safety first
Reasonable price
Full satisfaction of customer
Recommendation by everyone
Experienced pilot
Quick and efficient service

About Us

Our Mission

Airborne Travel Agency (Airborne Turizm Seyahat Acentası 6140) a leading company which has been engaged in a various tour activities in Fethiye-Ölüdeniz over many years, and we are also an authorized agency to offer paragliding tours directly to our customers. We are working with our experienced, professional and dynamic teams of paragliding and other tours aiming for full satisfaction of our customers. Airborne Travel Agency guarantees that we work with our best staff to offer you the most quality services at the most reasonable prices. If you are wishing to have a chance to fly throughout a year with experienced pilots and to join other tours in great comfort, we are the only company to visit. Paragliding with us is simple and safe. Just click “BUY” button shown in the web page, or leave a deposit to make your reservation confirmed. Now fly with professionals!

Our vision

The vision of Airborne Travel Agency is, to become a company which never make concession on quality, safety and experience, is open to anything new, has principles to work with honesty, and not only aims at our better services renewing ourselves working with our professional teams but be viewed as a good model.